Welcome to my Blog!
Indie Ink Awards 2024
For the first time, my books have been nominated. James and Seventeen need your help! The Indie Ink Awards is an annual contest run by Indie Story Geek, with public nominations and voting, and lots of different categories. For the first time, two of my books—From the Grave of the Gods, and The Re-Emergence have received nominations in several categories. I am amazed, since they’ve been eligible...
The Re-Emergence: A SFINCS Finalist!
It’s official: The Re-Emergence has been announced as one of ten finalists in the first annual Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship. Let’s celebrate! As you can imagine from this news, I am absolutely blown away. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one of my books would get this far in a contest, but Seventeen is absolutely knocking it out of the park. This is the first year for SFINCS and it has been an absolute honour to be part of this new writing contest. There’s been so many great novellas in the running, and we’ve all been cheering one another on. It’s honestly been a fantastic experience…
The Re-Emergence Turns One!
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a full year since the world was first introduced to Seventeen and the crew of the Qesh’kal, kicking off the epic story of The Augment Saga; a whole year since I became a published indie author! Since then it’s been a wild ride through many unknowns, with new experiences, new friends in the Writing Community, and facing new challenges; an emotional roller coaster of heartache, pride and joy, frustration and relief…
BIG News: Havering Literary Festival 2021
For those of you have been following my social media for some time, you’ll already likely be aware of this news, but I have been given the marvelous opportunity to be involved in the Havering Literary Festival this year! I’m so excited to be able to both share about my work with readers and support my local libraries.
Giveaway Finished!
Thank you to everyone who took part in my recent giveaway which will see five Advance Reader Copies of my novel, From the Grave of the Gods, in the hands of the winners, who were chosen randomly from those who entered, and have now been notified…
From the Grave of the Gods ARC Giveaway!
Attention friends! I’m really excited about the upcoming release of From the Grave of the Gods on 1st November, and for those of you who have read its companion novella, The Re-Emergence, I’m sure you know how I feel. So as a sort-of countdown to release, I’ve decided to kick things off with an awesome giveaway!
The Re-Emergence: Out Now!
The day has finally come, and I couldn’t be more excited. And so here it is, my first ever book launch! I am pleased to announce that my debut space-opera novella, The Re-Emergence, is now available for purchase from Amazon in ebook and paperback formats.
Meet the Characters #6: The Re-Emergence
With only a week to go until the release of my debut science-fiction novella, The Re-Emergence, I thought the time was right for a Meet the Characters post all about the characters in the book.
Pro Edit Complete!
Last Friday, my fully edited manuscript for From the Grave of the Gods was returned to me covered in red. What’s more, it had been split into four documents and my editor - the wonderful Charlie Wilson of Landmark Editorial - also provided me with a style sheet for reference.
Excerpt: The Re-Emergence
In celebration of my companion novella, The Re-Emergence tonight reaching self-edited completion, I thought it would be good to share an excerpt with you all…
Astrophotography, Camping and Book News
Some new astrophotography from me, and things are moving again for From the Grave of the Gods.
Novella Title & Cover Reveal
I am very pleased to be able to announce that I have changed the working title of the companion novella.
Novella First Draft Complete!
I have reached a milestone, and one that is probably going to make those of you who have subscribed to my newsletter mailing list quite happy. I have now completed…
Website Launch!
So, it finally happened and I have legitimate reason to have a website! Welcome…