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The Augment Saga: Now Wide!
As I mentioned in my most recent writing update blog post, I have been making moves to take my books off of Kindle Unlimited and push them out widely to other ebook stores. This process started with The God Sun, which wasn’t on Kindle Unlimited and was a great way to get all the accounts set up. And now, happily, the rest of my books have followed suit! The Re-Emergence, From the Grave of the...
Writing Update: January 2025
A new year update on the state of my books, and leaving Kindle Unlimited. The God Sun is Now Wide! The first bit of news I have for you is that my new cosmic horror sci-fi novelette, The God Sun, which came out on Amazon as an ebook in November of last year, is now available widely on other platforms. This means that it is now up for purchase from places such as Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple
End of Year Sale!
The holidays are a time of gift-giving, and here’s my gift to you: You can get all three of the current books in the Son of Adam arc of The Augment Saga, following James, Angela, and Austin’s adventures, for 0.99 each in the UK and US. This is the first time The Shadow of Arcadia has been discounted as well, so take advantage of it while you can. From the Grave of the Gods is in the SPSFC group...
Indie Ink Awards 2024
For the first time, my books have been nominated. James and Seventeen need your help! The Indie Ink Awards is an annual contest run by Indie Story Geek, with public nominations and voting, and lots of different categories. For the first time, two of my books—From the Grave of the Gods, and The Re-Emergence have received nominations in several categories. I am amazed, since they’ve been eligible...
Black Friday Sale 2024
This Black Friday weekend, we’ve got an impressive list of some amazing indie books for you, all with fantastic discounts. This year there’s 170 indie SFF books in the sale from 120 different authors! This sale has been organised and hosted by indie fantasy author James Lloyd Dulin who co-organised last year’s sale, so massive shout-out and thanks to James...
Out Now: The God Sun
It’s release day! My cosmic horror novelette, The God Sun is out now. I freely admit this wasn’t a book I thought I would have written at this point in my author journey, much less actually released for people to read. I’ve had the title banging around in my mind for the last six months or so, and I thought it would become a new novel trilogy set in a completely different universe...
New Book Announcement & Cover Reveal
If you’ve been following my social media posts for the last few weeks, you’ll no doubt have seen it teased that I got into the Halloween spirit and spent the latter half of October writing something spooky. I had intended to finish and publish it before the end of the month, but as always things took longer than I expected. But, not two days into November, I finished the first draft...
Writing Update: October 2024
A brief writing update, and a look at some new art. If you're following along on social media, you'll probably be aware that I have put a pause on writing Legacy of the Gods for the time being while I work some things out. To put it simply: I burned myself out doing NaNoWriMo in 2023, writing over 30,000 words in just 30 days (yes, I fell short of the 50k goal). Then I had to re-plot the book...
Indie Orbital Sale
Announcing the first annual Indie Orbital Science Fiction Sale! You really thought Indie August would be the last of the big group sales for the year? Well not this time. Here we have a brand new group sale dedicated to independent and self published science fiction books kicking off Sci-Fi September! This sale is being hosted by sci-fi author and graphic designer, Conrad Altmann...
The #IndieAugust 2024 Mega Sales
Celebrate independent speculative fiction authors by buying their books in not one, but two, huge sales for an extended period of time. From Friday 23 to Tuesday 27 August you can get awesome discounts on nearly 400 SFF books.
Out Now: The Shadow of Arcadia
It’s been a long old journey, but I am please to announce that The Shadow of Arcadia: The Augment Saga Book Two is out now and available to purchase in ebook from Amazon, and in paperback from all retailers. Signed paperbacks and book swag are available to UK residents from my store. It is also available to read for FREE via a Kindle Unlimited subscription.
The Shadow of Arcadia Amazon Print Pre-Orders
Fresh from a live chat conversation with KDP support about the status of print pre-orders on Amazon for The Shadow of Arcadia, I thought I should update you on the situation. I know many of you were probably waiting for the print version to be available to pre-order through Amazon before ordering, but it is with great regret and profound disappointment that I announce this will no longer be possible.
Meet the Characters: The Shadow of Arcadia
Meet the characters of the upcoming second novel in the Augment Saga, The Shadow of Arcadia. Captain James Fowler: James has been a test pilot for the International Space Administration for the last two decades under the command of Captain Austin Queen, flying the IXS-17 Aurora: an experimental spaceplane containing the first faster-than-light engine known as the Austinium Drive...
The Shadow of Arcadia Launch Event
On Thursday 18 July from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, I will be at Rainham Library celebrating the launch of my new book, The Shadow of Arcadia. During the event I’ll be giving a talk all about the book, my writing process, as well as reading an excerpt. There will be space for a Q&A session and signed paperbacks of all four of my books, and Augment Saga swag packs, will be available to purchase.
Release Date Reveal: The Shadow of Arcadia
It’s time to announce my next book launch! It’s been a long time coming. At least, it feels like it to me after so many delays. But I am pleased to announce that the fourth entry in The Augment Saga, and its second full-length novel, The Shadow of Arcadia, will be releasing into the world on Monday 15th July 2024. What’s more, you can pre-order it now!
ARC Readers Wanted
That’s right, for the first time I’m putting out a call for ARC readers for The Shadow of Arcadia, the second full-length novel in the Augment Saga! With three books already under my belt, you’d think I’d have gotten this publishing stuff figured out by now. But the one thing I’ve always missed out on during the run-up to release is sending out ARCs. And the main reason for that is timing…
#IndieApril 2024 Mega Sale!
This coming weekend, 13—15 April, From the Grave of the Gods will once again be discounted for the mega sale hosted by Tessa Hastjarjanto of Narratess. Even though there will just be the one of my books on the sale page, rest assured that you’ll be able to get all three of my currently published works, including my SFINCS finalist novella, The Re-Emergence, for 0.99 in both the UK and US as part of a Kindle Countdown Deal.
Book Swag: Now Available!
I’m thrilled to announce I now have some extra goodies available in my online shop. It all started because I wanted to do something else with the art I had been making to go along with my books. I already had the bookmarks, and someone said that the mission patch would make a great sticker. Plus, I’d spent so much time painting the art for my book covers and then slapping typography over the top that I really wanted to have something where the art itself could shine through…
Pro Edit Stage Reached… Again!
I am excited to say that I have now completed all the beta reader edits for The Shadow of Arcadia and it is now at the point in the book creation process where it needs to be sent off for a professional edit. The word count currently sits at around 126,400 words, which is a little bit longer than From the Grave of the Gods was. All major rewrite and scene additions are done; I’ve tidied up the prose and typos as much as I possibly can. So now it’s time to turn it over to the professionals…
The Re-Emergence: A SFINCS Finalist!
It’s official: The Re-Emergence has been announced as one of ten finalists in the first annual Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship. Let’s celebrate! As you can imagine from this news, I am absolutely blown away. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one of my books would get this far in a contest, but Seventeen is absolutely knocking it out of the park. This is the first year for SFINCS and it has been an absolute honour to be part of this new writing contest. There’s been so many great novellas in the running, and we’ve all been cheering one another on. It’s honestly been a fantastic experience…