Indie Orbital Sale

Announcing the first annual Indie Orbital Science Fiction Sale!

You really thought Indie August would be the last of the big group sales for the year? Well not this time. Here we have a brand new group sale dedicated to independent and self published science fiction books kicking off Sci-Fi September! This sale is being hosted by sci-fi author and graphic designer, Conrad Altmann, who also undertook the bulk of the organisation for the sale—including the amazing logo and promo graphics!

Why the focus on sci-fi? The sales page has a great FAQ on this, but to paraphrase: There’s many sales that focus on fantasy or SFF as a whole but few are specific to science fiction. That’s a shame because sci-fi is so much more relatable than you might realise. Science fiction stories can be historical, present-day, or futuristic. They can focus on people just as much as technology, and, more often than not, take the issues we face (or will face) in the real world and put them in fictional settings to draw attention to them.

Starting Friday 6 September, and running until the end of Sunday 8 September, you’ll be able to get sweet discounts on a whole bunch of excellent stories under a whole range of different sub-genres whether you’re looking for adventure, first contact, time travel or anything in between.

And you know I had to join in on this, too! This year From the Grave of the Gods will be discounted to 0.99 UK/US in a Kindle Countdown Deal for the sale. So if you managed to grab my SFINCS finalist novella, The Re-Emergence, during the August Narratess or Beloved SFF sales, this is your perfect opportunity to follow that up with the first full-length novel in the series.

So bookmark the sales page now and start #SciFiSeptember with a bang.


Book Review: The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern


Book Review: A Witch in Isenshire