About Alan
Hi there! My name is Alan and I’m a sci-fi writer based in Greater London in the UK.
On this website, you’ll be able to find all the latest updates about my upcoming novels and novellas, as well as an active blog and links to my social media channels. My current area of focus is on my Augment Saga, an epic, centuries-spanning hard sci-fi adventure series.
A little about me…
First things first, I have a deep love for sci-fi—watching, reading, or playing. If it involves space or futurism, it immediately has my attention. You’ll find a growing collection of SFF book reviews on my blog. I’ve always been interested in space, and enjoy keeping up with the fascinating work going on with astrophysics and astronomy.
I have a ton of hobbies, mostly to do with visual media—photography, illustration, graphic design, hand-lettering and calligraphy. But I’m also a member of a local archery club, I’m a prolific videogamer, and I have played the guitar for over twenty years (but that doesn’t mean I’m any good!
My favourite videogame by a wide margin historically has been Elite: Dangerous—the online space combat and trading simulation game. But I’m not precious about genre, so I’m just as at home playing Dark Souls or Doom as I am Animal Crossing or Mario. Once I start talking about videogames, you’ll find it difficult to get me to stop!
For my day-job, I work as the administrator for my local church, where I also volunteer as a musician.
I am married to Emma, and we have two wonderful children, all of whom have been a brilliant support in my writing journey.
Great! So, why writing?
I didn’t originally set out to become a writer, I just sort of fell into it.
When I was a young child, I used to make-believe that I was the commander of a starship, adventuring across the galaxy. Much of the background lore for my Augment Saga can be traced back to these early games, and I’ve had the story developing in the back of my mind for most of my life, in fact.
In 2009, while at university, I decided to try getting it out of my head and down into a coherent story. Originally I thought I’d do a web-comic series, but that didn’t pan out. Then I thought I’d write a novel, but I didn’t even get through writing the first chapter! I ended up dropping the entire thing for over ten years.
It wasn’t until 2019 that I decided to make another go of it with proper research and planning. Fellow SFF author, Drew Wagar, is to blame for this sudden burst of inspiration. A couple of years prior, he orchestrated a remarkable, ambitious, risky (and somewhat infamous) series of community events in the Elite: Dangerous universe in order to write the officially-licensed novel, Elite: Premonition. The result was some of the most engaging content in the history of the game, and the subsequent book was excellent.
And so with renewed enthusiasm to dust off my previously-abandoned project, I found I could finally get through it.
At last, in 2020, I finished my first full-length novel, From the Grave of the Gods, and its prequel novella, The Re-Emergence. Two books in one go, giving birth to the Augment Saga.
Both books were published in 2021 and are currently available from Amazon and other retailers.
But that wasn’t the end, and the Augment Saga continues to this day… You can check the progress of my work on my Books page, and I routinely post about them on my blog and on social media.