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Book Review: Why You Can’t Catch A Rocket To Mars
Time for another non-fiction review! This time I’m taking a look at Why You Can’t Catch A Rocket To Mars by Professor Lyndon N. Smith. The book comprises a series of reflections from the author on the state of modern science research and society, attempting to find answers to the question of why the rate of scientific progress and technological innovation appears to have slowed in today’s world when compared to the giant leaps and grand promises of yesteryear.
Book Review: A Brief History of Black Holes
Dr Becky’s YouTube channel is great. I really enjoy the way that she talks about the new discoveries in astrophysics and astronomy. I started watching her videos on and off maybe a year or so before the launch of the JWST, but particularly since the telescope’s launch, her videos have been a great way to keep track of the new discoveries and observations it’s making. I’ve been fascinated by black holes ever since I was a child and so I was quite excited when Dr Becky announced that she was releasing this book…
Book Review: Steering the Craft
You all know by now how much I adore Ursula K. Le Guin’s writing, so it comes as no surprise that I would be over the moon about the prospect of learning more of the art of writing from her. Steering the Craft is a fantastic short guide packed with lots of great insights and writing exercises across a range of different aspects of the craft. Mainly aimed at the kind of writer who’s been doing this thing a little while and wants to hone their craft, it’s an excellent resource for both lone and group work. As such, it doesn’t go over the basics like how to create characters, build fictional worlds etc… But focuses more on style.
Book Review: About Writing
Well, here’s a first for the blog: a review of a non-fiction book! I recently read the new expanded edition of Gareth L. Powell’s About Writing. As a writer myself, I’m keen to learn more about the craft and improve. One great way to do this is simply to write (this is, in fact, the most important way), another is to take advice from established writers. For new (and not so new) writers, there’s so much rich knowledge to be gleaned from those who have been immersed in the industry for a long time…