The Re-Emergence: A SFINCS Finalist!

It’s official: The Re-Emergence has been announced as one of ten finalists in the first annual Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship. Let’s celebrate!

As you can imagine from this news, I am absolutely blown away. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one of my books would get this far in a contest, but Seventeen is absolutely knocking it out of the park. This is the first year for SFINCS and it has been an absolute honour to be part of this new writing contest. There’s been so many great novellas in the running, and we’ve all been cheering one another on. It’s honestly been a fantastic experience and mercifully free of drama. So, congratulations to all my fellow finalists:

And well done to everyone who entered and made this contest what it is. Thanks must go out to the judging teams, who have worked tirelessly reading all the novellas and made the tough decisions.

In celebration of The Re-Emergence making it through to the finals, I think the time is right for a cover refresh!

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. I’ve grown a lot as a cover designer since I made the original minimalist cover for the novella back in 2021. I still love it, but the process of making the cover for The Flight of the Aurora made me realise I could have done a little bit more polishing just to bring it to its full potential. I think, with this refresh, I’ve finally achieved that. So, here it is:

It’s not radically different by any means. In fact, it’s almost the same, but with a few extra details and refinements that take it to the next level while remaining true to the original and its minimalist style. I’ve already updated both the ebook and print book on Amazon. I do still have a stock of the (signed) paperbacks with the original covers available through my store, so I’ll keep that as it is until they’re gone, at which point I’ll get some new stock.

So what’s next for SFINCS?

The third and final round of the contest involves all the judging teams reading all the finalists (at least two judges from each team) and assigning the books scores out of ten. Then, simply, the one with the highest average score at the end of the round is the champion. The contest is due to end on 31st March, so we have another two months of nail-biting action and nerve-wracking reviews to get through before we know the winner! Regardless of the results, I’m immensely proud of my little satellite consciousness for progressing this far, and it’s been an absolute blast. Seventeen has already won the hearts of two of the five judging teams in this contest, can he go all the way? We shall see.

I hope you like the refreshed cover art, and maybe you can join me in celebrating Seventeen’s SFINCS progress by picking up a copy and reading all about his adventures!


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