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The Augment Saga: Now Wide!
As I mentioned in my most recent writing update blog post, I have been making moves to take my books off of Kindle Unlimited and push them out widely to other ebook stores. This process started with The God Sun, which wasn’t on Kindle Unlimited and was a great way to get all the accounts set up. And now, happily, the rest of my books have followed suit! The Re-Emergence, From the Grave of the...
Writing Update: January 2025
A new year update on the state of my books, and leaving Kindle Unlimited. The God Sun is Now Wide! The first bit of news I have for you is that my new cosmic horror sci-fi novelette, The God Sun, which came out on Amazon as an ebook in November of last year, is now available widely on other platforms. This means that it is now up for purchase from places such as Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple
Book Review: A Sorrow Named Joy
Continuing on with my decision to read some of the novellas from last year’s Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championships, here we have contest winner A Sorrow Named Joy by Sarah Chorn. The cover art on this book is wonderful, and after reading, it really captures a lot of the heart of the character of Joy. Although I will freely admit that I’m a bit of an idiot. Before I realised what this...
Book Review: Elder Race
When I picked up Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky, I wasn’t expecting the tale to remind me of the Shadeward Saga. But with its high fantasy setting amid a hard sci-fi backdrop, I was pleasantly surprised. This was a pretty quick read for me and I’m finding that novellas give me a rather satisfying feeling of progress for a normally slow reader such as I am. The cover art for Elder Race is absolutely gorgeous and depicts the Tower featured within beautifully.
Book Review: A Necromancer Called Gam Gam
A Necromancer Called Gam Gam is a semi-finalist in the first annual Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS), and it’s been on my TBR for a little while. But, as a fellow SFINCTER (lol), I couldn’t help but be curious about some of the other books in the contest. So I moved this one up, and I have to say, as someone who lost a parent at a young age, it made me cry.
The Re-Emergence: A SFINCS Finalist!
It’s official: The Re-Emergence has been announced as one of ten finalists in the first annual Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship. Let’s celebrate! As you can imagine from this news, I am absolutely blown away. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one of my books would get this far in a contest, but Seventeen is absolutely knocking it out of the park. This is the first year for SFINCS and it has been an absolute honour to be part of this new writing contest. There’s been so many great novellas in the running, and we’ve all been cheering one another on. It’s honestly been a fantastic experience…
Book Review: Dust & Lightning
Dust & Lightning is a futuristic standalone science fiction novella from Rebecca Crunden that also kind of blurs lines with the superhero genre, and it’s honestly a heck of a lot of fun and vibes. If you’re an indie writer and not already following Rebecca on the myriad socials, then you absolutely should.
Out Now: The Flight of the Aurora
Launch day has come at last! The third book in the Augment Saga is now available to purchase. I am pleased to announce that The Flight of the Aurora: An Augment Saga Novella is out now and available to buy in ebook format from Amazon for £1.99, and in paperback from all retailers for £6.99. It is also available to read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited! From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all of you who have supported me in so many ways, whether that’s through pre-orders, reviews, sales, shares, likes, retweets or beta-reads. You’re all amazing, and I truly appreciate you…
Release Date Reveal: The Flight of the Aurora
Here we go again, another impending book launch! I am pleased to announce that the third entry in The Augment Saga, The Flight of the Aurora: An Augment Saga Novella, will be releasing to the world on Tuesday 20th September 2022. It is a real honour that so many of you have read and enjoyed my books thus far, and it is my joy and privilege to present this novella to you: another step in the epic sci-fi adventure that’s been rattling around in my brain for decades.
The Re-Emergence Turns One!
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a full year since the world was first introduced to Seventeen and the crew of the Qesh’kal, kicking off the epic story of The Augment Saga; a whole year since I became a published indie author! Since then it’s been a wild ride through many unknowns, with new experiences, new friends in the Writing Community, and facing new challenges; an emotional roller coaster of heartache, pride and joy, frustration and relief…
Writing Update: May 2022
My next novella in the Augment Saga, The Flight of the Aurora, has returned from its beta reading phase and I am busy implementing the changes. I am immensely grateful to my beta readers for looking through my work and providing their invaluable feedback. Thankfully, there’s nothing major to adjust, so after another couple of editing passes, I’ll commence work on typesetting the thing - a process that ought to be easier this time around because I will be using my file for The Re-Emergence as a template.
Book Review: Carrion Crew
An intriguing science fiction novella by James McLean, offering a taste of things to come. I received a copy of this book after the author ran a giveaway on Twitter around its release, and I was thrilled (and surprised) to have won! Carrion Crew is a sci-fi novella by James McLean, who you may remember as one of the authors I recently interviewed.
Cover Reveal: The Flight of the Aurora
IT IS DONE! I have finally finished the first significant draft of The Flight of the Aurora, the next entry in the Augment Saga. Hooray! This book takes place fifteen years after the events of From the Grave of the Gods, and continues to follow James and Angela on another adventure. This one is meant to bridge what will be a significant time gap between the first and second full-length novels…
Writing Update to End 2021
It’s been a little while since I shared a writing update on the blog, so I thought, as it’s New Year, it was time to let you all know what I’ve been doing since the release of From the Grave of the Gods. Well, first of all, after I picked myself up off the floor from the absolutely incredible launch of my first novel (which is now sitting at well over 60 sales), I continued working on my next novella, The Flight of the Aurora. If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning, you’ll know that in response to some very valuable beta reader feedback, I had to cut my draft of From the Grave of the Gods into two novels. The first of which became the one I took to publication in November this year.
Book Review: Light Chaser
A strange and powerfully imaginative space opera novella from Gareth L. Powell and Peter F. Hamilton. Light Chaser is the result of a collaboration between two masters of space opera: Gareth L. Powell and Peter F. Hamilton. It’s a new novella that was published back in August, and I’ve been looking forward to reading it ever since I saw the preliminary marketing earlier this year…
Five Notes on Writing: Worldbuilding
When I first started my writing journey two years ago (or ten years ago, depending on how you count it), I thought it was a simple case of coming up with a vague plot and writing down the vivid scenes that popped into my head. Of course, after I actually made a start I realised there was a lot more to it than that, especially when it came to worldbuilding. So here’s five things I’ve learned along the way:
How Long is my TBR?
After having been asked by absolutely no-one, I thought I’d share a list of all the books I’ve got on my TBR. And because I have taken it upon myself to post up a review for every book I read, you can consider this a kind of sneak-peek at the reviews you can look forward to in the future on this blog, plus get an idea of the kind of books that have captured my interest…
Giveaway Finished!
Thank you to everyone who took part in my recent giveaway which will see five Advance Reader Copies of my novel, From the Grave of the Gods, in the hands of the winners, who were chosen randomly from those who entered, and have now been notified…
The Re-Emergence: Out Now!
The day has finally come, and I couldn’t be more excited. And so here it is, my first ever book launch! I am pleased to announce that my debut space-opera novella, The Re-Emergence, is now available for purchase from Amazon in ebook and paperback formats.
Pro Edit Complete!
Last Friday, my fully edited manuscript for From the Grave of the Gods was returned to me covered in red. What’s more, it had been split into four documents and my editor - the wonderful Charlie Wilson of Landmark Editorial - also provided me with a style sheet for reference.