The Re-Emergence Turns One!
It’s 1st June and you know what means? It’s The Re-Emergence’s book birthday!
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a full year since the world was first introduced to Seventeen and the crew of the Qesh’kal, kicking off the epic story of The Augment Saga; a whole year since I became a published indie author! Since then it’s been a wild ride through many unknowns, with new experiences, new friends in the Writing Community, and facing new challenges; an emotional roller coaster of heartache, pride and joy, frustration and relief.
I think it’s safe to say that since launch, Seventeen - our earnest sentient AI satellite friend - has become a bit of an icon for the Augment Saga. Last year he, or rather, his satellite body, was the subject of some fan art, being 3D modelled, made into cake (yum!), and had several 3D prints courtesy of my dad. At Christmas I even put a little Santa hat on one of the 3D printed models and that went down a treat.
3D render courtesy of Glenn R. Frank
Naturally I couldn’t let his birthday pass without a party hat :)
I am so grateful for all the kind words and great reviews I’ve received for what is not only my first ever published work, but also my first real piece of long-form fiction writing. Before this, the longest things I’d ever written were my coursework essays back when I was studying law at university, and those were only around 3000 words. The Re-Emergence is over ten times the length!
Back in November I was privileged to have won that month’s review slot in Kevin Carlson’s Writing in Obscurity blog, and the review he posted for The Re-Emergence was a really awesome, detailed literary analysis. It was better than I could have hoped for!
Things are changing…
Now that The Re-Emergence has been out for a whole year, I feel like it’s time to change a few things. Most notably, I have removed the novella as a mailing list sign-up incentive. It’s never had a particularly good response rate, and I’ve learned from others that having it perma-free does more harm than good to the book itself. In short, it’s not done the job I had hoped it would, and I think that has translated into the incredibly low sales numbers the book has had. It deserves a fighting chance, and I feel like I deprived it of that.
So, to that end, I am pleased to announce that The Re-Emergence is now available on Kindle Unlimited!
What about the mailing list? If you’ve already signed up to my email newsletter, your access to The Re-Emergence will remain active, but new sign ups won’t be able to download it. Instead, I’m working on making an excerpt of something available. This will take a bit of time to accomplish to the level I’m happy with, so keep an eye out for an announcement in the near-future.
Signed Copies & New Store
In another exciting piece of news, you may have noticed from the navigation bar that I now have a store!
From there you’ll be able to buy signed paperbacks of my books with an option for a custom inscription (up to 150 characters). Buying from there will support me and my writing directly, as I get a higher percentage royalty through direct sales, and it’s a great option if you don’t want to buy from Amazon. I’m also able to offer the books at a discount (relatively speaking).
At the moment I’m only shipping around the UK because working out the international stuff is too much for my little brain - just working it out domestically gave me a headache! But, I may be able to expand what I provide there as time goes on, so watch this space again.
That’s all from me for now. I wish Seventeen a very happy birthday, and I look forward to writing more stories involving him.