Website Launch!

Welcome to my brand-new, official author website! From here you’ll be able to follow all things to do with my science fiction writing, and perhaps a smattering of other creative pursuits!

I’m hoping to keep this blog updated regularly, and sending out the occasional newsletter for those of you who subscribe. You’ll be the first to know when From the Grave of the Gods launches, and where you can buy it, for example. I say occasional because, if you know me, you know that I’m not the best when it comes to doing something on a regular basis, and especially not at high volumes. So, infrequent and ad-hoc it is!

So then, the first update…

I’m happy to say that progress on From the Grave of the Gods is coming along as planned. Way before deciding to make this website, I finished the actual writing and did three rounds of self-editing. As of this post, it is with my amazing team of beta readers, who will hopefully soon come back to me with the valuable feedback I need to give a bit more polish to the book. I am undecided as yet whether to procure the services of a professional editor to really put the book through its paces. Conventional wisdom says I should, so I very well may. This probably means that the release of the actual book will be a good few months away at the very least, depending on how much re-jigging I end up doing.

Why did I make this website so soon?

Well… to be quite honest, I was just having a little play about on Squarespace and I decided I liked it. But I only had two weeks to decide, and I didn’t fancy going through the whole building process again later, so… here we are. I don’t yet know what kind of content I’ll be writing about on this blog. It’ll certainly have something to do with writing, but it’ll likely also contain things about my other hobbies as well.

Speaking of which…

In addition to working on From the Grave of the Gods and planning the subsequent books in the series, my current active work-in-progress is a companion novella (or novelette, depending on how many words it ends up being) under the working title Chasing Ghosts. I will almost certainly change that, as there are a ton of books already with that name.
It’s also a way off yet, as I’m still in the first draft. But when it’s finished I intend to make it available FOR FREE to those of you who have/will subscribe to my newsletter as a digital download.
As it’s much shorter, it will definitely be coming out before From the Grave of the Gods. So, there’s something to whet your appetite!

Follow me on social media!

I’ve created a dedicated Facebook page for my writing, which will mostly be duplicating information on this website, but perhaps with some more frequent musings and posts. I’m also fairly active on Twitter, and you can check out my photography on Instagram if you fancy.


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