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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

From the Grave of the Gods turns One!

It’s 1st November, and that means it’s the turn of From the Grave of the Gods to have its book birthday! Two book birthdays in a year? Surely not! Now I’m just hogging all the celebrations. But it is true, From the Grave of the Gods, my first ever full-length novel made its way into the world one year ago today. It’s hard to believe. So much has happened since, and so many of you have welcomed my humble series starter with open arms, following along with Commander James Fowler’s remarkable journey. I’m honestly blown away by the reception.

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

From the Grave of the Gods: Out Now!

Launch day! From the Grave of the Gods, the first novel in the Augment Saga is out now. Wow, what an amazing journey this has been. I can’t believe it’s been just over two years since I started writing the book that would become From the Grave of the Gods. From that tentative start faffing around in an excel spreadsheet making a vague timeline one evening while on holiday in August 2019…

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

BIG News: Havering Literary Festival 2021

For those of you have been following my social media for some time, you’ll already likely be aware of this news, but I have been given the marvelous opportunity to be involved in the Havering Literary Festival this year! I’m so excited to be able to both share about my work with readers and support my local libraries.

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Giveaway Finished!

Thank you to everyone who took part in my recent giveaway which will see five Advance Reader Copies of my novel, From the Grave of the Gods, in the hands of the winners, who were chosen randomly from those who entered, and have now been notified…

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

From the Grave of the Gods ARC Giveaway!

Attention friends! I’m really excited about the upcoming release of From the Grave of the Gods on 1st November, and for those of you who have read its companion novella, The Re-Emergence, I’m sure you know how I feel. So as a sort-of countdown to release, I’ve decided to kick things off with an awesome giveaway!

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Release Date Reveal: From the Grave of the Gods

The time has finally come… From the Grave of the Gods, the first full-length novel in The Augment Saga and follow-up to companion novella, The Re-Emergence, is finally being released to the world on 1st November 2021! What’s more, you can use the links to pre-order the novel right now.

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Pro Edit Complete!

Last Friday, my fully edited manuscript for From the Grave of the Gods was returned to me covered in red. What’s more, it had been split into four documents and my editor - the wonderful Charlie Wilson of Landmark Editorial - also provided me with a style sheet for reference.

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Pro-Edit Stage Reached!

I am very pleased to say that From the Grave of the Gods has now reached the professional edit stage of the process. A week ago I completed my fifth editing pass on the novel, bringing the word count to just over 120,000 words…

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

100K Words!

I thought I’d post a quick blog update on From the Grave of the Gods, which I have now brought back up to over 100,000 words! As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I planned to cut the book I had written into two and flesh out both so they became full-length novels of their own.

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Major Novel Changes

It’s been a little while since my last writing update. That’s mainly because there’s not been a lot in the way of updates recently with both manuscripts out with beta readers… until the last few days, that is.

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