100K Words!

I thought I’d post a quick blog update on From the Grave of the Gods, which I have now brought back up to over 100,000 words! As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I planned to cut the book I had written into two and flesh out both so they became full-length novels of their own.

Well, I did it. It was very hard, mentally speaking, to cut up the original novel I had been working on for the last year. But I did it, and it brought the word counts of both halves down to a depressingly low figure, and showed me just how big the project was to bring them both back up to scratch.

So a couple of months down the line, and I have successfully hit 100K words again with the first part (which I am still calling From the Grave of the Gods. The second part will have its own, different title), and I am nearing completion of the draft; only a few chapters to go now!

The trouble is, I’m pretty much in “finale” territory now. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got good ideas for the rewrite of the ending (I think), and a pretty solid plan written out (I think), but it’s still pretty daunting to sit down and write it. In fact, I’m fairly certain that if it were another part of the book, I’d have finished it weeks ago, but the ending is a much more tricky prospect. At the same time, a pretty loud part of me is saying, ‘You’ve finished this book once, and you can do it again!’

I can do it again.


Blog Series: Meet the Characters


Major Novel Changes