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New Book Announcement & Cover Reveal
If you’ve been following my social media posts for the last few weeks, you’ll no doubt have seen it teased that I got into the Halloween spirit and spent the latter half of October writing something spooky. I had intended to finish and publish it before the end of the month, but as always things took longer than I expected. But, not two days into November, I finished the first draft...
Book Review: Heretics of Dune
Honestly I thought I’d hit the peak weird of the Dune Saga with God Emperor of Dune and that the final two books would be dealing with the fallout while coming back down the mountain. But like a car salesman slapping the roof of an old jalopy, Heretics of Dune is where Frank Herbert confidently declares that there’s plenty of weird in this baby yet. Only, this time the series pivots...
Writing Update: October 2024
A brief writing update, and a look at some new art. If you're following along on social media, you'll probably be aware that I have put a pause on writing Legacy of the Gods for the time being while I work some things out. To put it simply: I burned myself out doing NaNoWriMo in 2023, writing over 30,000 words in just 30 days (yes, I fell short of the 50k goal). Then I had to re-plot the book...
Book Review: After the Syzygy
I have really enjoyed J.D. Sanderson’s work in the past. If you haven’t already, you can check out my review for his twilight-zone inspired short story collection Around the Dark Dial here. I like it when sci-fi books teach me something new about science or astronomy (it’s not a requirement for me, but it’s nice when it happens) but I’ve never had that happen right on the title page before...
Book Review: Cold Rising
A dark, corporate dystopian sci-fi novella full of action and intrigue from Rohan O’Duill. I’d like to take a moment to praise the cover art for Cold Rising. It’s really well composed, and I love the use of Mars to replace the O in ‘Cold’. The cover is initially what attracted me to this, and as with all the ebooks on my Kindle, it’s been there a while and I definitely wish I had gotten to it...
Book Review: The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern
I very much enjoyed J. Dianne Dotson’s space opera quadrilogy, The Questrison Saga, and so I’m at the point now where anything from this author is bound to pique my interest. The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern is a whimsical young adult lunarpunk adventure—a genre I have never read before, but I really dig the vibes. Think a civilisation that lives in dark forests or at night with plenty of...
Indie Orbital Sale
Announcing the first annual Indie Orbital Science Fiction Sale! You really thought Indie August would be the last of the big group sales for the year? Well not this time. Here we have a brand new group sale dedicated to independent and self published science fiction books kicking off Sci-Fi September! This sale is being hosted by sci-fi author and graphic designer, Conrad Altmann...
Book Review: A Witch in Isenshire
By now you all know how much I enjoyed Witch in the Lighthouse, and so I jumped at the chance when author Azalea Forrest put out a call for ARC readers for its sequel, A Witch in Isenshire, a book which I had the privilege of helping to reveal the cover for recently. I’ve really come to enjoy cosy fantasy as a genre, and if you had told me this would be the case a few years ago...
The #IndieAugust 2024 Mega Sales
Celebrate independent speculative fiction authors by buying their books in not one, but two, huge sales for an extended period of time. From Friday 23 to Tuesday 27 August you can get awesome discounts on nearly 400 SFF books.
Book Review: Howl’s Moving Castle
Howl’s Moving Castle is one of my favourite Studio Ghibli movies (that’s not really saying a lot, because most of the movies in Studio Ghibli’s catalogue are my favourite movies lol!) But I was intrigued to read the original children’s fantasy novel by Diana Wynne Jones, and I was surprised to learn it’s only the first book in a whole trilogy. Let me just take a moment to praise the cover art…
Out Now: The Shadow of Arcadia
It’s been a long old journey, but I am please to announce that The Shadow of Arcadia: The Augment Saga Book Two is out now and available to purchase in ebook from Amazon, and in paperback from all retailers. Signed paperbacks and book swag are available to UK residents from my store. It is also available to read for FREE via a Kindle Unlimited subscription.
Cover Reveal: A Witch in Isenshire
Back in March, I had the privilege to share the updated cover for Witch in the Lighthouse, and now I have a similar honour to help Azalea share the cover for the upcoming sequel to that book! I’m really looking forward to A Witch in Isenshire, because I very much enjoyed the first book in the series. So I signed up as an ARC reader, and on the sign-up form...
Book Review: Reality Check
There’s not enough mechs taking centre-stage in sci-fi books, and that’s a real shame because they’re awesome. I’ve gained a new appreciation for them since playing Armored Core VI last year, and I even watched some Gundam for the first time since then. Reality Check is all about mechs. A hotshot young Cyber Cycle racer turned mech pilot defending Earth against a hostile alien invasion. Great premise.
Cover Reveal: The Hedgehog Dilemma
The cover for the new partial omnibus by Armanis Ar-Feinial. I’m thrilled to be bringing you a new cover reveal today on the blog. The Hedgehog Dilemma is an urban fantasy partial omnibus by indie fantasy author Armanis Ar-Feinial, containing two full-length novels: The Hedgehog and The Nihilistic Neverending Nightmare. I honestly love the vibe of this cover, showing a good mix of the real and magical that is right on point for the genre and I’m delighted to be able to help share it.
The Shadow of Arcadia Amazon Print Pre-Orders
Fresh from a live chat conversation with KDP support about the status of print pre-orders on Amazon for The Shadow of Arcadia, I thought I should update you on the situation. I know many of you were probably waiting for the print version to be available to pre-order through Amazon before ordering, but it is with great regret and profound disappointment that I announce this will no longer be possible.
Meet the Characters: The Shadow of Arcadia
Meet the characters of the upcoming second novel in the Augment Saga, The Shadow of Arcadia. Captain James Fowler: James has been a test pilot for the International Space Administration for the last two decades under the command of Captain Austin Queen, flying the IXS-17 Aurora: an experimental spaceplane containing the first faster-than-light engine known as the Austinium Drive...
The Shadow of Arcadia Launch Event
On Thursday 18 July from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, I will be at Rainham Library celebrating the launch of my new book, The Shadow of Arcadia. During the event I’ll be giving a talk all about the book, my writing process, as well as reading an excerpt. There will be space for a Q&A session and signed paperbacks of all four of my books, and Augment Saga swag packs, will be available to purchase.
Book Review: Out of Breath
I received a free ARC of Out of Breath from the author in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed Carrion Crew. I thought the worldbuilding and setting was fantastic. You can read my thoughts on it here. I’ve been looking forward to reading more from that world, and so I was honoured when James reached out to offer an ARC for Out of Breath to review. So, let’s get to it.
Book Review: RoboCop
This is one of those books that’s totally come out of left field. During the half term break, my family and I went on an outing to a National Trust property in Sevenoaks called Ightham Mote, a medieval moated manor house with sprawling gardens. As with many National Trust properties, Ightham Mote had a delightful little used bookshop, which I naturally perused. However, I found nothing I wanted in there. So where did I get RoboCop from?
Release Date Reveal: The Shadow of Arcadia
It’s time to announce my next book launch! It’s been a long time coming. At least, it feels like it to me after so many delays. But I am pleased to announce that the fourth entry in The Augment Saga, and its second full-length novel, The Shadow of Arcadia, will be releasing into the world on Monday 15th July 2024. What’s more, you can pre-order it now!