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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

ARC Readers Wanted

That’s right, for the first time I’m putting out a call for ARC readers for The Shadow of Arcadia, the second full-length novel in the Augment Saga! With three books already under my belt, you’d think I’d have gotten this publishing stuff figured out by now. But the one thing I’ve always missed out on during the run-up to release is sending out ARCs. And the main reason for that is timing…

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

#IndieApril 2024 Mega Sale!

This coming weekend, 13—15 April, From the Grave of the Gods will once again be discounted for the mega sale hosted by Tessa Hastjarjanto of Narratess. Even though there will just be the one of my books on the sale page, rest assured that you’ll be able to get all three of my currently published works, including my SFINCS finalist novella, The Re-Emergence, for 0.99 in both the UK and US as part of a Kindle Countdown Deal.

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Science Fiction, TV/Movies Alan Dell Science Fiction, TV/Movies Alan Dell

So, about Villeneuve’s Dune…

Now that I’ve seen Part Two, I thought I’d share my thoughts on these movies. Denis Villeneuve has been behind some of my favourite relatively recent sci-fi movies. Arrival was incredible, Blade Runner 2049 was an absolute masterclass, and Dune Part One really set my hopes high that he could do great things with this notoriously difficult series. I managed to read Frank Herbert’s first Dune book shortly before Villeneuve’s Part One came out in 2021, and I have since gone on to read Dune: Messiah, Children of Dune, and God Emperor of Dune…

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Fantasy Alan Dell Fantasy Alan Dell

Cover Reveal: Witch in the Lighthouse

I loved Witch in the Lighthouse when I read it last year. For me it really captured the cosy vibes and whimsy of a classic Studio Ghibli movie (you can read the full review here). So I jumped at the chance when Azalea asked for book bloggers to help share a couple of new announcements for this lovely book! First and foremost we have this really nice-looking cover refresh for the book!

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Book Swag: Now Available!

I’m thrilled to announce I now have some extra goodies available in my online shop. It all started because I wanted to do something else with the art I had been making to go along with my books. I already had the bookmarks, and someone said that the mission patch would make a great sticker. Plus, I’d spent so much time painting the art for my book covers and then slapping typography over the top that I really wanted to have something where the art itself could shine through…

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Pro Edit Stage Reached… Again!

I am excited to say that I have now completed all the beta reader edits for The Shadow of Arcadia and it is now at the point in the book creation process where it needs to be sent off for a professional edit. The word count currently sits at around 126,400 words, which is a little bit longer than From the Grave of the Gods was. All major rewrite and scene additions are done; I’ve tidied up the prose and typos as much as I possibly can. So now it’s time to turn it over to the professionals…

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Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell

Book Review: A Touch of Death

After having utterly devoured Dr Crunden’s SFINCS semi-finalist novella, Dust & Lightning, I knew I had to read more of her work. The Outlands Pentalogy is, as the name suggests, a completed series of five novels set in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian future. Normally, my sci-fi tastes lean more heavily towards the kind set in and around space, like the aforementioned novella, so I’m not remarkably well-read when it comes to post-apocalyptic or dystopian stories—Neuromancer excepted.

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Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell

Book Review: Elder Race

When I picked up Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky, I wasn’t expecting the tale to remind me of the Shadeward Saga. But with its high fantasy setting amid a hard sci-fi backdrop, I was pleasantly surprised. This was a pretty quick read for me and I’m finding that novellas give me a rather satisfying feeling of progress for a normally slow reader such as I am. The cover art for Elder Race is absolutely gorgeous and depicts the Tower featured within beautifully.

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Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell

Book Review: The Word for World is Forest

I hate that my first thought when reading this book was of James Cameron and his damnable smurfs. I hate the fact that I thought about those movies at all while reading Le Guin. It feels like a real disservice. Don’t get me wrong here, the Avatar movies are good fun, with great visuals and set pieces of course, and I thought the second one was better than the first. But let’s be honest, we don’t watch them for their poignancy.

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Book Review, Fantasy, Young Adult Alan Dell Book Review, Fantasy, Young Adult Alan Dell

Book Review: A Necromancer Called Gam Gam

A Necromancer Called Gam Gam is a semi-finalist in the first annual Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS), and it’s been on my TBR for a little while. But, as a fellow SFINCTER (lol), I couldn’t help but be curious about some of the other books in the contest. So I moved this one up, and I have to say, as someone who lost a parent at a young age, it made me cry.

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

The Re-Emergence: A SFINCS Finalist!

It’s official: The Re-Emergence has been announced as one of ten finalists in the first annual Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship. Let’s celebrate! As you can imagine from this news, I am absolutely blown away. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one of my books would get this far in a contest, but Seventeen is absolutely knocking it out of the park. This is the first year for SFINCS and it has been an absolute honour to be part of this new writing contest. There’s been so many great novellas in the running, and we’ve all been cheering one another on. It’s honestly been a fantastic experience…

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Book Review, Fantasy, Childrens Alan Dell Book Review, Fantasy, Childrens Alan Dell

Book Review: Wishhobbler

I didn’t expect to blast through Wishhobbler in a single day, but from the first page I was hooked. It’s weird, darkly funny and a little sinister. It certainly put me in mind of some of the books my eldest has been bringing home from school, and it has some really fantastic stylised illustrations throughout to match!

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Book Review, Fantasy Alan Dell Book Review, Fantasy Alan Dell

Book Review: A Bitter Drink

I thoroughly enjoyed my previous read by Azalea Forrest, Witch in the Lighthouse, but after reading A Bitter Drink, I think this one is my new favourite of the two. Less Ghibli, and dialing back on the coziness a little, to instead bring us great character work and higher stakes in an imaginative fantasy world. So, let’s have a deeper look.

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Book Review, Fantasy Alan Dell Book Review, Fantasy Alan Dell

Book Review: The Hobbit

This isn’t a first for me. I have fond memories of my dad reading The Hobbit to me as a bedtime story when I was a child, and it’s remarkable how much the book stuck with me over the years. Now I’m older and I have children of my own, it has given me a wonderful opportunity to read the book to them as well. Unfortunately, I didn’t own a copy of the book!

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Worst ‘Books of the Year’ List 2023

Here’s my totally irreverent, irrelevant, and worst ever annual “Books of the Year” list for 2023! This is a terrible list of books. I mean, most of them aren’t even books. Why did I make this? I could’ve been playing Final Fantasy XVI, or hanging up the laundry, or literally anything else. But instead I am pleased to present to you my totally irreverent, irrelevant, list of awards to mark the end of the grand old year of two-thousand-and-twenty-three. And of course, it’s in a top-ten format.

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2023 Reading Wrap-Up

I’m pretty happy with the amount of books I managed to read and review this year! So many were indie books, too, which was my goal. All in all, I read and reviewed 25 books up to the time of writing this post. Whenever I review books, in addition to this blog, I usually post them to Goodreads and Amazon, as well as sharing the link to the review on Twitter, Threads, Bluesky, Facebook, and sometimes Instagram (if I remember).

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Book Review, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror Alan Dell

Book Review: The Shadow Galaxy

An excellent eclectic short story collection from J. Dianne Dotson. After finishing the Questrison Saga, I knew I’d be forever picking up J. Dianne Dotson’s books, because they’re a great lot of fun. I think there’s only one more book out that’s under the J. Dianne Dotson pen name: The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern, and from there on, her works will be published under the pseudonym Jendia Gammon.

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