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Book Review: The Farthest Shore
I think The Farthest Shore is my Earthsea book so far. It certainly secures Le Guin’s place in my heart as my favourite author of all time, and I am so glad that I discovered her writing, even if belatedly. The Farthest Shore rounds out the YA trilogy of Earthsea, bringing the story of Ged to a soft close…
Book Review: Blanche Amour
Right, first things first, I know this author personally - she’s a family member. So, feel free to take what I say with a pinch of salt or disregard entirely if you feel it’s inappropriate of me to review it. At the same time, I really want to support what this author is doing and get some more eyes on her work - plus my brain won’t allow me to not review every book I read anymore. I will be giving an honest review, however, and after having read Blanche Amour, I’m pretty confident that I would come to the same conclusions about it even if I didn’t know Charlotte, simply based on the type of reader I am. So let’s get into it.
Book Review: Embers of War
I’ll be honest: before joining the Twitter writing community, I had not heard of Gareth L. Powell. But as soon as I announced myself as a writer on the platform and started using the hashtags, Gareth was there, following me because he’s awesome and follows all writers. Though my attention was drawn by his humourously titled Ack-Ack Macaque series…
Book Review: The Crimson Script
A beautifully-written fantasy adventure with steampunk elements from SJ Hull. I have to admit I was very excited when I learned that SJ Hull had released his debut novel. We went to university together, and though that was over ten years ago now, even back then I knew he was very interested in the fantasy genre, and it didn’t surprise me in the slightest that he’d written his own…
Book Review: Dune
As a sci-fi fan, you’d probably expect that I had already read Frank Herbert’s Dune a long time ago. Sadly that’s not the case. It’s yet another of those books I strangely missed. Knowing this, and knowing that Denis Villeneuve’s movie adaptation was on the horizon, it was one of the first books I had in my sights when I decided to get back into reading…
Book Review: The Tombs of Atuan
Coming not directly after A Wizard of Earthsea, but after Le Guin found success in the science-fiction genre with The Left Hand of Darkness, this second book in the Earthsea Cycle was apparently an unintended sequel.
Book Review: The Left Hand of Darkness
Winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards for science-fiction, and the book which established Le Guin as a major player in the genre, The Left Hand of Darkness is a truly fascinating read. The book has strong feminist themes and explores the concept of androgyny against the backdrop of an alien first-contact scenario…
Book Review: I, Robot
This being the very first time I’ve read Asimov’s work for myself, I had absolutely no idea what to expect going in. Isaac Asimov is one of the heavyweights of science-fiction; a pioneer for many of the ideas and concepts that we take for granted in the genre today…
Book Review: The Eye of the World
The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills… One of my beta readers for From the Grave of the Gods asked me one day whether I had read the Wheel of Time series. Of course, at that point I had barely heard of it, but he recommended it highly. I also started hearing great things about it from Booktubers such as Daniel Greene. I was intrigued, so I thought I would see what all the fuss was about...
Book Review: Consider Phlebas
I was very late to the Culture party. The first time I heard of Iain M. Banks was when The Hydrogen Sonata came out in 2012, and that, only in passing. Years went by and I kept hearing snippets of things about the Culture series, from people who respected it highly. So on the strength of that, I decided to pick up one of the books, and what better place to start, I thought, than at the very beginning?
Book Review: A Wizard of Earthsea
Well, where to begin with this one… To say that I feel less-than-qualified to review this book is an understatement. But, as evidenced by this post’s existence, I’m going to do it anyway…
Books I Like
I’d like to kick off this whole blogging thing by first giving some love to some other authors whose books I have read, enjoyed and recommend…