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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

#IndieApril Mega Sale!

From 18th - 22nd April, I’ll be partnering with Narratess for the first #indieapril mega sale, celebrating independent speculative fiction authors. April is the month we in the Writing Community celebrate independent authors, and there’s something extra special on the horizon this year. During the third week of the month, I and over 70 other indie authors will be taking part in an absolutely huge sale on speculative fiction books, hosted by Narratess.com.

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Writing Alan Dell Writing Alan Dell

Celebrating 1000 Twitter Followers

The time has finally come. The Great and Terrible day of Alan K. Dell is upon us. One thousand humans (presumably) have pledged their allegiance - nay, their very souls - to me, in support of my evil schemes. Muhuahahahaaaa! Lol it’s not all that dramatic. But I am so incredibly grateful to all those who have hit that follow button on Twitter to see more of my nonsense on their timelines. I can’t quite believe it: 1000 followers…

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