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Out Now: The Flight of the Aurora
Launch day has come at last! The third book in the Augment Saga is now available to purchase. I am pleased to announce that The Flight of the Aurora: An Augment Saga Novella is out now and available to buy in ebook format from Amazon for £1.99, and in paperback from all retailers for £6.99. It is also available to read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited! From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all of you who have supported me in so many ways, whether that’s through pre-orders, reviews, sales, shares, likes, retweets or beta-reads. You’re all amazing, and I truly appreciate you…
Writing Update: May 2022
My next novella in the Augment Saga, The Flight of the Aurora, has returned from its beta reading phase and I am busy implementing the changes. I am immensely grateful to my beta readers for looking through my work and providing their invaluable feedback. Thankfully, there’s nothing major to adjust, so after another couple of editing passes, I’ll commence work on typesetting the thing - a process that ought to be easier this time around because I will be using my file for The Re-Emergence as a template.