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Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell

Book Review: Out of Breath

I received a free ARC of Out of Breath from the author in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed Carrion Crew. I thought the worldbuilding and setting was fantastic. You can read my thoughts on it here. I’ve been looking forward to reading more from that world, and so I was honoured when James reached out to offer an ARC for Out of Breath to review. So, let’s get to it.

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Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell

Book Review: Carrion Crew

An intriguing science fiction novella by James McLean, offering a taste of things to come. I received a copy of this book after the author ran a giveaway on Twitter around its release, and I was thrilled (and surprised) to have won! Carrion Crew is a sci-fi novella by James McLean, who you may remember as one of the authors I recently interviewed.

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