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Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction Alan Dell

Book Review: Foundation

I’ve probably done this in the wrong order. I watched the Apple TV+ adaptation’s first season (and made comment on it here) before starting to read the book. I’ve had the book for a little while though - I bought it before the TV series came out in September, but TBRs are a funny thing like that. All it really means is that this review will have a short section of comparison to the show, seeing as I first gave my views on it without having read the book. Now that I have, I understand the stark contrast between the two from a first-hand perspective, and I have some thoughts that I’ll put together after the review of the book itself. Isaac Asimov’s Foundation is held to be one of the greatest science fiction series of all time, it spawned the concept of the Galactic Empire and was highly influential for almost everything that came after it - including Dune. This is a long one, so strap in.

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Science Fiction, TV/Movies Alan Dell Science Fiction, TV/Movies Alan Dell

So, about that Foundation TV show…

Apple TV’s adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s classic, millennia-spanning, galactic-scale sci-fi series is a mixed bag. Now, I have to preface this by saying I have come into watching this show (almost) completely blind. I have not yet read the novels, though I do have the first Foundation book sitting on my shelf ready for when I finish my current read…

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Book Review, Science Fiction, Fantasy Alan Dell Book Review, Science Fiction, Fantasy Alan Dell

How Long is my TBR?

After having been asked by absolutely no-one, I thought I’d share a list of all the books I’ve got on my TBR. And because I have taken it upon myself to post up a review for every book I read, you can consider this a kind of sneak-peek at the reviews you can look forward to in the future on this blog, plus get an idea of the kind of books that have captured my interest…

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