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#IndieApril 2024 Mega Sale!
This coming weekend, 13—15 April, From the Grave of the Gods will once again be discounted for the mega sale hosted by Tessa Hastjarjanto of Narratess. Even though there will just be the one of my books on the sale page, rest assured that you’ll be able to get all three of my currently published works, including my SFINCS finalist novella, The Re-Emergence, for 0.99 in both the UK and US as part of a Kindle Countdown Deal.
#IndieApril 2023 Mega Sale!
From 1st to 3rd April, I’ll be partnering once again with Narratess for the #IndieApril mega sale, celebrating independent speculative fiction authors. You’ll be able to get yourself some lovely discounts on a huge range of books from indie sci-fi, fantasy and horror authors. And that’s kind of downplaying it. The sales in April and August were fantastic last year, but this year? Oh boy. 170+ books! So much bigger. It’s a great way to share the love for indie authors while also grabbing yourself some screaming deals. Find your next favourite author!
Writing Update: February 2023
Progress on The Shadow of Arcadia is still slow. I’m finding this to be the hardest book I’ve yet written, but I am still making progress. It is now past novella-length, and past the length at which I extracted it from the original draft of From the Grave of the Gods, but there’s a lot still to add, and I’m just shy of half the way through. As I write Part Two of the novel, I have a very clear picture in my mind of where it’s heading, and there’s a sequence which I am absolutely dying to write.
#IndieApril Mega Sale!
From 18th - 22nd April, I’ll be partnering with Narratess for the first #indieapril mega sale, celebrating independent speculative fiction authors. April is the month we in the Writing Community celebrate independent authors, and there’s something extra special on the horizon this year. During the third week of the month, I and over 70 other indie authors will be taking part in an absolutely huge sale on speculative fiction books, hosted by Narratess.com.