Author Interview: Jenn A. Morales

Tell me a bit about yourself. Who are you and what do you write?

Hi, my name is Jenn A. Morales. I’m a lifelong reader of fantasy, digital artist, gamer, dog mom, and goth bisexual black cat wife who hates Gen AI in all it’s forms. I’ve been speaking out against it for years and hate that it’s cropping up everywhere now.

I write Urban Fantasy and Paranormal romance set in an alternate universe where angels, demons, and other preternatural (nonhumans) live semi-harmoniously alongside mortals.

What’s your favourite genre? Is it the same as the one you write in?

My favourite genre is most definitely Urban Fantasy. I’ve technically been reading it since I was young and didn’t realize that’s what it was. I think they call it “Magical Realism” in the YA category.

Yes, as stated above, I do write Urban Fantasy mostly. I have dabbled in Sci-fi fantasy, but only by way of Star Wars fanfiction.

What do you do for inspiration?

Inspiration finds me everywhere. From the music in the background of a TikTok video to a writing prompt on TikTok and stories I used to play out with my cousin and sister. Most recently though, it was a question posed by my “manager” about my books which turns into another book.

How do you approach building your worlds?

Oh gosh, when I first started world building, I didn’t even realize that’s what I was doing. I’m a discovery writer, so a lot of times I simply found myself thinking about this alternate universe where angels and demons exist alongside humans, had their own bureaucratic agency that maintained law and order, and so forth. Thankfully, I wrote everything down in folders on OneNote, which I refer to as my compendium.

What comes first? Characters or plot?

Characters always come first for me. As a discovery writer, I build a character or they waltz into another story as a background piece, and they draw me in like a moth to a flame.

What was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to write?

Concentration. I have a few mental health issues (currently undiagnosed) that hamper my ability to concentrate, but when I do get focused, I will obsess, lose sleep, and crank out a book in less than 15 days.

What’s your favourite/least favourite thing about the writing process?

Having to wait. Sometimes, I want to write the next book or post about the book to social media, but I can’t because the current project is sometimes 2-3 books ahead of the next one to come out and I don’t want to spoil it.

Are you able to share any short snippets from the cutting room floor?

Oh, I most certainly can: This is an abandoned piece from Chaos Theory, my next release (coming April 9th), that I decided to cut since the female main character, Chaos, acted out of character and let Zamina (a side character) compel her:

“I’ll go downstairs and let you get dressed,” she (Zamina) said, and I had this pull to go to her, to stop her. I teleported in front of it, and stared at her outstretched hand mere inches from me.

“Why go? It’s not wrong to be with someone, Zam. Didn’t your wife say that I could help you when you were here last?” I paused and waited until she nodded. “Then stay. Let me help you, so you’re not this susceptible when we’re at the club. We have time.”

She started to pull her hand back, and I took it, intertwining my fingers with hers. I opened my mouth to say more but she regained her voice.

“But you don’t feel the same way about me?” she asked, staring up at me as if our relationship hung on the answer. It seemed trivial to me, but her pleading gaze said just how serious the question was…

The scene became Chaos seeing through the compulsion and stopping her from doing it to anyone else too.

What is your absolute favourite piece of your own writing? Could be a short scene, a bit of dialogue, a character or even the tiniest piece of worldbuilding.

So, I have a LOT of favourite scenes from different books or quotes that I love, but I’ll give my favourite little quote that also comes from Chaos Theory, near the end.

A bit of context, Chaos is confronting Nevari, the seductress who stole her soulmate not once but twice and she gives this killer taunt as she’s walking down the stairs of a grand ballroom:

“Roses are red, Violets are blue… The Maker made me beautiful. What happened to you? You bitchtress, beast lover, no morals, no ethics, Whore of Babylon, Crazy Witch.”

What are you promoting at the moment?

Right now, I’m trying to promote Chaos Theory as it’s open for pre order everywhere (even signed physical copies via my website). It’s the fifth book of the Created Angel Novels/Chronicles.

Chaos Theory is about an Angel of Death with a broken heart living in the most romantic city in the world. Trapped with her soulmate who betrayed her, Chaos dreams of leaving, but her daughters deep ties prevent it. Until she meets a smooth talking mountain of muscle who turns her world upside down. The only problem is her true Identity.

It can be read as a standalone, but you see a lot more “easter eggs” and threads weaving into the larger story if you read the first four books.

If you’d like to be featured in an author interview, just contact me.


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