Alan K. Dell

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#IndieApril Mega Sale!

From 18th - 22nd April, I’ll be partnering with Narratess for the first #indieapril mega sale, celebrating independent speculative fiction authors.

April is the month we in the Writing Community celebrate independent authors, and there’s something extra special on the horizon this year. During the third week of the month, I and over 70 other indie authors will be taking part in an absolutely huge sale on speculative fiction books, hosted by Tessa Hastjarjanto of

During those five days, you’ll be able to grab great discounts on nearly a hundred indie sci-fi, fantasy and horror books from a mix of new and veteran authors. There’ll be standalones, series starters and anthologies on offer, so it’s a brilliant opportunity to discover your next favourite author - perhaps in a subgenre you hadn’t considered before - all at a cracking price!

And of course, the ebook version of From the Grave of the Gods will be included in the sale, so it’ll be a great time to pick it up if you haven’t already! It’ll be priced at 99p/99c at Amazon UK/US in a Kindle Countdown Deal, and there will also be discounts for other territories.

There will be a website going live before the sale begins where you can find all of the book listings, which we’ll all be sharing as the sale goes on. So watch out for posts about it on social media.

Support an indie author during #indieapril with the mega sale: 18th - 22nd April 2022.

How else can I support indie authors?

There are lots of other ways to support indie authors aside from buying our books: liking, sharing, retweeting our book posts, leaving reviews on Amazon and Goodreads after you’ve finished reading, recommending our books to others to get the word out, and more. I’ve got a bunch of recommendations here on this site for indie books that I’ve reviewed since I started, so check them out because they’re all fantastic:

The Shadeward Saga by Drew Wagar; Nine Streams of Consciousness Anthology; Once a Year by Charlotte Rose
The Crimson Script by S.J. Hull
Blanche Amour by Charlotte Rose
A Girl Called Ari by P.J. Sky
Aerth’s Aetheric Aegis: The White Mantle by Velora Venn
Investation, and Rememory by Frasier Armitage
Impossible Fruit by Gary Mack