Alan K. Dell

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Giveaway Finished!

My ARC Giveaway for From the Grave of the Gods is now finished and the winners have been notified.

Thank you to everyone who took part in my recent giveaway which will see five Advance Reader Copies of my novel, From the Grave of the Gods, in the hands of the winners, who were chosen randomly from those who entered, and have now been notified. The contest had a pretty good turnout overall, and I would encourage all of you who signed up to my mailing list to go ahead and download your free ebook of The Re-Emergence (details in the welcome email).

To the winners: Congratulations! Remember you have 7 days to respond with your details, and then I’ll start sending out the copies. If, for whatever reason, I don’t hear from you in that time, I’ll have to choose another winner from the list of entries.

I really hope you enjoy your books, novella and novel respectively, and it would be absolutely great if you could post up some reviews on Goodreads or Amazon when you’ve finished reading :)