Alan K. Dell

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Cover Reveal: The Hedgehog Dilemma

The cover for the new partial omnibus by Armanis Ar-Feinial.

I’m thrilled to be bringing you a new cover reveal today on the blog.

The Hedgehog Dilemma is an urban fantasy partial omnibus by indie fantasy author Armanis Ar-Feinial, containing two full-length novels: The Hedgehog and The Nihilistic Neverending Nightmare. I honestly love the vibe of this cover, showing a good mix of the real and magical that is right on point for the genre and I’m delighted to be able to help share it.

Here’s the blurb:

After surviving the nuclear meltdown at Area 51, a murderous and suicidal fae causes a little mischief at a local church. After making some friends, his life is on the line as a man from the past threatens to unveil his false identity and the truth about Area 51’s cataclysmic meltdown comes to the surface.

The ebook of The Hedgehog Dilemma is available to purchase now on Amazon.