Alan K. Dell

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Blog Series: Meet the Characters

Here’s some news: the fourth draft of From the Grave of the Gods is complete! What does that mean? Well, it means I’ve finished with the major restructuring work that I mentioned in this previous blog post. I’ve added in a whole new sub-plot from a major character’s point of view, spruced up a few things, and completely re-written the ending (which will have major consequences for the plot of the next book). The finished draft ended up at just shy of 120k words, which is about what I expected and was aiming towards. And now I’m taking a short break from writing over the holiday period to give myself a little distance for when I read through it and put some more polish to it.

So, to celebrate this momentous milestone being reached once again, I’ve decided to do a monthly “Meet the Characters” blog series! I put out the suggestion on the socials, asking you guys whether you would be interested in such a series. Response wasn’t great, I’ll be honest, but it did yield more Yays than Nays, so I’m doing it anyway!

What will the series look like?

The Meet the Characters series will introduce you to the main and major characters in From the Grave of the Gods, and give you a little insight into their personalities and roles without getting into spoiler territory.

Once a month you can expect to see a little bio talking about the character from an in-world perspective, and a little behind-the-scenes info on how that character came to be.

I’m really excited about sharing these characters with you all, and I hope you enjoy the series.

I’m going to schedule the first post of the series - which will be about the main character, Commander James Fowler - for the 1st January 2021, and we’ll go on from there, posting on the first of the month for each of the other characters.

Anything else happening with the blog?

Yes! These “Meet the Characters” posts won’t be the only things coming. In-between I’ll also be continuing to share major updates to do with the writing of the Augment Saga, and other things besides, which are yet to be decided :)

That’s all from me for now.

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